Wednesday, December 17, 2008

When Your Country Sounds Like It Is Terry Gilliam's 'Brazil'...

Maybe you have a tiny problem?

Weather rocket kills man and blows up his body at cremation

A Chinese man originally thought to have been struck by lightning was in fact killed by a small weather rocket whose existence was only discovered when his body exploded during his cremation.

The body of Wang Diange, from the Chinese province of Inner Mongolia, was found in the wreckage of a house where he had been overseeing the wake of a previous family funeral, after mourners felt a loud explosion which took off half the roof.

As it was raining and thundery, they decided that the house, and Mr Wang in particular, had been struck by lightning. The police came to the same conclusion.

Further inquiries were made a few days later after Mr Wang's own funeral. As his body was being put into the cremation chamber, it blew up spectacularly, bursting the doors off the oven.

When the fire had been put out, the only clue as to what had happened was a small twisted piece of metal, which seemed to be the glowing remnants of a screw.

At first, local metallurgists were unable to determine what it was, though they noted it bore a military serial number. After a lengthy investigation, however, it was suggested it might be part of a shell casing.

Inquiries revealed that the rainfall on the day of the original disaster was triggered by the local weather bureau, which had been firing shells into the atmosphere to break up hail in order to protect the local tobacco crop.

Inside the shells were silver iodide, a chemical that helps to break up hail into rain.

Their own investigators concluded that one shell must have failed to explode, hit the house, and lodged in Mr Wang's body. There it passed unnoticed because of his extensive injuries, according to local newspaper reports.

As a result, and three years after Mr Wang died, his family have now received 80,000 yuan (£8,000) in compensation from the weather bureau.

From The Telegraph and Reported on by Richard Spencer

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

If The Environment is Being Messed With By Estrogen Like Chemicals...

Isn't it really just trying to balance out man's use of anabolic steroids?

Inspired by:

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ode to Bill O'Reilly by John Cleese - Transcribed by Max Simkins

Just finished transcribing it from his interview on "Countdown with Keith Olbermann," and damn is it fine. You really should download this episode, the 10.31.2008 episode, from the podcast while it is available.

*Note: I titled this "Ode to Bill O'Reilly" based on Cleese's previous "Ode to Sean Hannity." Whether either are really an ode... will who cares!? It's new material by John Cleese! Be glad it exists. Also, the breaking up of the lines was passed upon the pauses that Cleese made while reading it. They are accurate enough that you can get the sense of it. Lastly, if you are wondering what Berk means at the end of the poem, then go here - . The definition John says that he uses is the rhyming slang one, though the second one would work as well.

"Ode to Bill O'Reilly"
By John Cleese

Bill O'Reilly is no spin zone,
As rated highly by his own beloved mother,
But, no other.

Except that Bill,
For all his faults,
Still has one skill,
A skill of sorts.
He can still amuse a true dumb ox,
The dullest crayon in the box,
The kind of ox that watches Fox.

And Bill will pander to this group with propaganda,
Right wing poop,
And knee jerk views,
And censored news.

Thus, Bill O'Reilly earns his crust,
Behaving vilely as he must.
He will not sherk from Rupert's work;
He really is a perfect Berk.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Harvest Festival

Note: This was supposed to be a pantoum*. It's close to what it should be but I think the beginning and ending might not be strictly adherent to the style.


It's that time of year again,
So let me take you to the harvest festival.
The weather is so right,
I can't help seeing you balled up so tight.

Take me to the harvest festival?
In the cold of this weather,
I can't help being balled up so tight.
What do you want to do tonight?

In the cold of this weather,
Ain't nothin' better than bein' together.
What do I want to do tonight?
Anything that feels all right.

Ain't nothin' better than bein' together,
I can't disagree with that.
Anything that feels all right,
It feels better when warm.

I can disagree with that.
Even if it is cold outside,
And it feels better when warm,
We're plenty warm enough together.

Even if it is cold outside,
And even if our heat keeps us goin’,
And we're plenty warm enough together,
What makes you think I want to go with you?

And if our heat keeps us goin,
Then it's that time of year again.
What makes me think you want to go with me?
The weather that is so right.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Typical Morning

Original Form: Typical Morning

I wake up and find my cup.

It's not too hard to find, just hard to get at from amidst all the crap since it is seated in the far corner of the ledge before the window.

I think to go over to my draws to get the bottle of Jack Daniels from amidst the sheets where it is buried, debating whether or not to have the last of the Single Barrel and get that extra 7% or just go with the old No. 7, but I just look down for a moment to see that I, quite wisely, left the old No. 7 by the side of the bed, all one and three quarter liters of its sweet taste. I let it pour for a third of the glass, a glass that must be no more than two or so cups, and then go and get my Nalgene of iced tea to carry another third of the way. The cinnamon I find in the very front of the ledge, right behind my pillow and drop in a new stick.

I trudge downstairs, eyes refusing to stay fully open, and find the ice tray filling the cup nigh to the brim with ice- it must crash upon the rocks to get a rockin'.

Lastly, I find the vanilla extract. I hold it for but a moment above the glass, desiring but a bit, but somehow it always seems to slosh more than I would have designed but it always tastes good, so why argue? Maybe its just the amount I want and I don't know it? I'd probably get too much if I went for it myself.

I come back up and, now then, I must find something to play. Jazz, gotta be jazz and gotta be good and gotta be good and loud. Besides, it ain't like its quite time or some bullshit like that anyway.

Gotta be Bob James. Probably from "All Around the Town." Ah, I know, "We Are All Alone." It doesn't sound like people make Jazz out to be, it’s funky and crazy but it is kinda Fusion anyway so I'll give them that.

But, boy, it’s poppin' and it’s crazy.

It’s crazy. Why the fuck is it six fifteen on a saturday evening and I have only been awake for fifteen minutes?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Four Men Walk Into A Bar

Four men walk into a bar
And the first orders a snifter of scotch,
In honor of his mother's father,
And the second orders a snifter of vodka,
In honor of his mother's mother,
And the third orders another snifter of vodka,
In honor of his father's mother,
And the fourth orders the last snifter of vodka,
In honor of his father's father.
They empty out together,
Remarking about how the night is cold as their old man
And just wish they could know the warmth of the old home
When everything was so much simpler than it is now.
They walk home in an aimless way,
And when they arrive at the end of the night,
To splash a bit of cool, cool water on their face,
I look in the mirror and realize I am whole again.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

"As We Look Through History", Certainly...

The only thing that is certain is that no one should ever say "as we look through history" because that is about as bad as it comes for a weasel word.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

We Shall Overcome-The Injustive of... Food Prices

Now, in all honesty, the student government here at Bard is hard at work at making things better, but it is still quite funny to utilize "We Shall Overcome" in the context of this pursuit of fair prices.

The following was adopted by the Student Forum on Wednesday, the 8th of October.

*Food* *Policy*
1. The costs previously covered by the supplementary fee on the meal
plan shall be redistributed into the tuition. Other expenditures, if
deemed prudent and necessary, shall be made public and proposed to the
Student Association of Bard College to be voted upon at a Student Forum.

2. There shall be meal plan options given to students who may choose
to reduce their meals per week to a proportionate amount of Bard
Bucks, or reduce the total cost of the plan.

3. Bard shall work with area restaurants and stores to institute
Student ID scanners so that Students may expend Bard Bucks at
alternative businesses. This will increase competition among local
businesses for Student patronage and provide a boon to the local
economy. The cost may be covered by an acceptable proportionate
supplementary fee on the price of meal plans.

4. Down the Road shall not charge students for items and add-ons they
don't want. It is the position of the Student Association to have DTR
offer basic items and allow students to add toppings and add-ons at
additional cost. DTR shall maintain prices in competition with local
restaurants and other colleges.

5. Manor Cafe shall return to the Meal Exchange system used prior to
this year. All items available shall be categorized under the ABC
meal exchange system previously employed by Chartwells.

6. The Green Onion shall price items closer to the prices available at
local grocery stores.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Marvels Making Measured Motions

“Officer Pippin, reportin’ for duty,” said Jeffrey Pippin as he stepped out from the bathroom, the door swinging quite vigorously behind him. Garbed in the standard black fabric and black leather duster that a detective of his caliber was issued, he hardly stood out from the darkness of the barely lit bar if only for the fact that he neglected to wear his gloves and that some of his face was visible from beyond the messy lengths of hair that he had let out. If he didn’t know better, he would have thought by the size of the crowd that he walked into the bar during closing time, but it surely wasn’t- he hadn’t been there that long.
His partner, Walker Bremmen, was chatting up some pretty young thing that never would have given him the time of day prior- though there was something about her that looked familiar to Jeffrey. Now, however, they were top ranked detectives making big bucks and clearly Walker didn’t have the time of day to give to anybody’s jokes. This struck Jeff as odd since Walker was about as funny as he was, which is to say a great deal as long as you see life as one dead end job to another and you can, for a few moments, jump out of your skin and laugh at the scars.
They came to this bar a lot- not usually to pick up chicks, sometimes it was explicitly to drink, but most of the time because it was one of the few dark places in the world anymore. Things change for the brighter over time, not necessarily better, but brighter. Jeff didn’t like most changes. He liked that things had a natural order that he must be a part of because he couldn’t see it and if he didn’t see it then it was probably good.
All he ever saw were bad things. Mutilated raped bodies, bruised and battered women, little children so disturbed by years of abuse amongst all of their short, short years that they had become nigh feral or… worse. Things just keep getting worse for all the good that seems to be spreading around the worlds.
Right now, though, Jeff needed to be spreading the love because he sure as hell was not feeling it from Walker. Carefully, containing his presence from his target, and making sure that she didn’t notice him either, he made his way to the bar. Just as he we was about to sit at the bar, he wrapped his arms over Walker’s chest, kissed him on the cheek and exclaimed rather loudly, “Oh sweety, did you missssss me!”
Walker spun around, pinched him in the neck and cried, “Damn it, Jeff, you know how much I hate it when you make those faggotry jokes around me and especially when I am the butt of the argument.”
The young lady covered her mouth and seemed to say “Oh, my” but it wasn’t noticeable over Jeff gleefully stating, “I think that was some poor word choice there, buddy.” This statement promptly resulted in Jeff’s ear being pinched and, thus, bringing him to one of his weakest states, since one of his pressure points activated. His lips nearly kissed the floor.
“Apologize; apologize; apologize, damn it! Can’t you see that we’re in the presence of a lady,” Walker’s open palm thrusting in the neighbor woman’s direction, nearly slapping her upside the head.
It was just then, with Jeff’s head twisted down to the floor that he began to recognize just whom his partner had been chatting up. With his head so low, and his gaze brought towards her direction, he couldn’t help but look up her skirt, which is all she had on below. It wasn’t a tight skirt and, since there were no grates venting off vast amounts of steam, she had little fear of people noticing anything left open to the wind. But, Jeff found something odd about the cooch, hich was revealed from spread legs, suddenly in his view. It didn’t look quite right… not quite the exquisite peach that a finely made up woman, as she seemed to be, should have.
What really had him reeling was a pair of tattoos, one on each of her haunches. One tattoo was of a golden rooster with a flaming set of spiked hair and the other tattoo was of a train powered by cans of Canned Heat. He didn’t recognize what all this meant at first until he thought back to an old case, a very old case.
It was one of his first cases; he had to track down a rapist and the only clue was that he had neon tattoos on his thighs. Jeff had heard too many women describe the tattoos in such lurid detail for him to handle. But, despite all the testimony, they couldn’t find a single tattoo parlor that could detail anyone who had received that tattoo, especially since the Armen-Kaden law mandated tightened safety restrictions and made it necessary to record each tattoo made.
One day, when he was at a wonderfully extravagant water park, with all the latest accoutrements that science could offer, he was changing into a pair of swimming trunks when he noticed the brilliantly colored tattoos that the victims had mentioned so often: one tattoo was of a golden rooster with a flaming set of spiked hair and the other tattoo was of a train powered by cans of Canned Heat. The job looked like it had been done at home: well, but self administered.
This woman sitting in front of him was really one of his first perps and one of his first promotions. The guy had a brilliant lawyer since he came from big money, so he got off with a three year sentence in a plush penitentiary after a guilty plea. But, how could Jeff tell his partner that the woman that he was so betrothed to was really a he? Not just a he, but a former rapist? Well, maybe it couldn’t have children, but for all Walker would know, it would be one of the best women he would ever lay. Jeff decided it better to not tell him. He figured that’s what he would want to be done for him. And it was definitely only going to be doing Walker once.
Tired of the strain placed on his back, Jeff apologized and returned to his seat, meeting the eyes of it and, in that moment, it realized his knowledge and looked quite guilty.
All that was a moment in passing, and passing time became the new raison d’ĂȘtre for Jeff. Sitting at the bar, his empty shot glass looked lonely and bored just lying on the hardwood table without any company. Gently, he raised his finger in the air and concentrated on the little bit of glass and waved his finger back and forth. And with each motion in one direction so did the shot glass move ever so delicately in the direction of the finger as it ever so precisely follow the pendulum-like motions of his index.
Jeff could barely hear the stirring of those behind him as the seemingly unreal behavior attracted the attention of the other patrons- it was far more important that he focus. Walker, however, was quite aware of the disturbance that was being made and so he flicked Jeff’s ear and said with great force, though obviously trying not yell, “Quit that shit.”
He quit alright; he quit his focus, that is, and the absence of his attention resulted in him flicking the shot glass clean from the bar and into the ceiling shattering it into a billion tiny pieces that were now lodged in the ceiling.
The bartender, who gave his name as only Arnold whenever Jeff asked, simply walked over to Jeff and said, “Badge.” He knew well enough at this point that if a detective in black breaks something or commits some other form of damage that he should just get their badge number since all the people in that force were given extensive insurance packages for the things that they would wind up doing in the course of service.
Jeff went to take out his badge and, when he did, he noticed that it was flashing. Something was going down at HQ and they needed them back pronto. If it was something minor then they would have called on the communicator, but it was only for the really fun problems that they contacted them thusly. Walker hastily took out his badge and tossed it to the bartender saying, “I’ll be back for it!”, as he ran out the door.
Jeff snapped out of the daze that the flashing light had set him into and ran after Walker. The door slammed on his face and, remembering what he saw two days prior at a fair just the other day, he decided to try walking through the door. With but a moment of focus, he was able to pass cleanly through the door but, in the course of the action, he felt as if he got a cleansing via a tremendous stream of wood pulp administered rectally. Though, the thought of how the door felt did cross his mind, did it feel as if it had been invaded by a person?
“Get over here!” Walker yelled as he held the teleporter open for them, the booth looking reminiscent of the phone booths of yore. Jeff broke back into his run but all the while, he was still amazed at the soaring heights and brilliant lights of the buildings around him and the multitudes of flying cars that swarmed. It was wondrously strange even more so that all of this was stored within the metal confines of New New Jersey, floating around Pluto in geosynchronous orbit. Jeff hopped in the cramped booth and placed his badge on to a touch screen panel. A moment later, they were standing in New Newark’s Mechanized Defense Force garage, the first and last defense against serious threats to the structural integrity of the colony.
“Captain Pippin, Captain Bremmen; you’re vessel,” said General Peter Gald, their boss. He was noticeably tall and stout and in another time he would likely have been a blacksmith, or, perhaps, a chieftain. Even thought they were police officers and keepers of law, in the wild frontier of space, Pete acted more like a boss since the NNMDF was often contracted by “merchants” to defend them from “pirates.” Who was who often changed, but the checks came through and they didn’t ask questions. Besides, there wasn’t much proof on either side for all the chaos that was going on.
The ship, however, was starkly unusual. It was blacker than space itself and had a large curved body with four “fins” sticking out from its fore and back on its left and right. It had a short “head” that stuck forward and a similar shape of metal at the back for a “tail”. It was similar in form to a plesiosaur but without the long neck and a far shorter tail. It was about the size of the average mid-class fighter vessel from the military and it was probably similarly sized to what was, a few centuries ago, called a jumbo jet.
What was most remarkable about the craft was that it had no actual opening inwards. To enter the vehicle one merely had to place their hand upon the head of the vehicle and they would be teleported into the vehicle. However, with each passing in and out, it seemed as though a presence peaked into one’s mind.
Walker’s mind, however, is always focused on the mission, so, with impatience in his voice, he stated, “What’s the beat, boss?”
“We’ve detected something heading in mightt fast amongst the rocks and only your ship is available with the kind of armor and arms needed to take on something like what is headed our way. You’ve got the shields and you’ve got the lasers, but most of all, you have the time. Let’s just hope it’s a comet or something and I’ll see you kids soon.” He retrieved a small glass marble from his pocket, a data orb containing the coordinates for the location of the intruding force.
With great haste, they made their way to the ship, slapped their hands to the head, and jumped. Once inside, they made their way to a pair of seats in the front of the craft. The cockpit was vaguely oval, though its curves were angular and not smooth in the slightest. Its walls were covered with many blinking screens and varying interfaces set into their black metal panels while there was an odd leather patch in the region opposite the two seats. Set into the leather was a strange compass that glowed green. With but a touch, it was supposed to take one to the engine room and workshop of the craft. Whether or not this was true had never been tested by the two.
Once seated, Jeff’s fingers ran across the controls and they were off.
The gate was barely open enough for the ship to get out with the ship flown on its side but the correction was made and they slipped out- best not to leave too much time for something to slip in while jetting out. Walker had the weapon’s and shield’s controls at his command and Jeff just had to guide it to where they had to go. It was quite a task and so they were silent, save for in the many screaming thoughts in their minds as they made the ship run.
However, it seemed that what they were after was coming towards them and not the other way around. They had been flying for just ten minutes when something came up on the HUD moving at speeds that most fighters and some close-to-light cruisers could only dream of.
Jeff felt the strangest feeling settle over him whilst Jeff was calculating the appropriate boson shield levels and arming the various torpedoes and lasers. With the object close enough that they could make out its vague shape as some kind of arrow or projectile- though the shaft seemed too short, the standard shoot-first-ask-questions-later procedure kicked in. But this feeling, this feeling… was wholly unlike anything that Jeff had ever known.
His entire mind was consumed with fear; the kind of fear that one gets when one is a child and swept up into a mess that was not of one’s making. The only other time he felt this was back when he was really walking the beat on the mean streets and saw the eyes of children swept up by the darkness of life. There was someone worth saving out there. He had to act.
“Stop the weapons preps, and prepare the vector trap. We have to catch ‘er before we do something that we might regret!”
“What the fuck are you talking about!? I can’t just stop it now and switch over! Besides, that is a rocket and that is what we’ll write in the report! ” Walker’s fingers hit harder, not just because he was mad but because the ship was giving him an increasing number of errors with each new command he gave it. So many error messages that they filling up the screen.
For a moment, he could swear that one of the errors said, “I gave you a chance” and “It was real.” Those were the thoughts of mad men. Computers don’t say things like that.
The target came into view
Jeffrey decided to take real action and halted the ship and began to move it in reverse.
“What are you doing the ship isn’t just going to-” And just then the ship totally stopped. Perhaps not totally, there were still atmospheric controls inside insuring that they were alive, but all the lights had shut off and they were left to sit in the pitch black. It then lurched about as if parts of it were being torn apart- or, maybe, growing? The sounds of scraping metal screamed.
When the lights came back on, the walls of the cockpit had been replaced with the leathery material. The flesh contained a vast network of glowing green veins that were alit with a great fury and there was only one metal panel left which said, “Constraint release.” The panel flashed this over and over in a scarlet red that beckoned for one to place one’s hand in a recessed hole that was made for a human palm. Deep groves were cut into the hand hold displaying more red lights pulsing in rhythm with the sign.
Walker was a man of action. He fucking walked the walk and there was nothing some motherfucker could talk on his choices. He rose out of his chair and moved to the panel, but Jeff grabbed his hand and said, “What are you doing?”
“What seems to be the right thing at the moment.”
Jeff was stunned in his seat at it all and all he could do was sit, paralyzed and watch his friend make his way to the altar. Walker placed his hand inside and a bright red light shown through all his veins and the light poured out of his eyes as he turned towards Jeff, his mouth gaping wide would from his failed attempt at screaming to mark his pain.
The lights went out again, but the light in his eyes stayed just long enough for Jeff to realize that his body was being torn through the panel which was maybe two feet square. Again, the sounds of scraping metal, but, as the scraping moved from the back to the fore of the ship, it ended from the region it was in after a few moments. Jeff titled the seat and twisted his head as he followed the sound from the back to the ceiling and then to the front again. Once his eyes had situated back to the pitch black front, the lights came back on.
Standing quizzically in front of him was the “object.” It was no arrow or projectile, but rather, it was some kind of human thing. It had the general figure of a lovely lady but it was enveloped in scaly white armor that sat above a layer of writhing, organic cables that glinted as if they were made of platinum. Its head had blue glass eyes that starkly contrasted the ruby metal balls that were found where her joints should be, as well as the orb that was on her forehead and the softball sized orb on her sternum. An ivory scythe swept back from above her forehead-orb and, instead of a mouth, there were two protrusions that extended and recoiled under a regular rhythm that must have been her breath.
She cocked her head left and right in the very same manner that Jeff performed. It was ridiculous that it just happened to follow the same motions as him. Thus, he decided to immediately stop and straighten his back… and so did she.
Suddenly, without any action on Jeff’s part, the cockpit lurched toward her, above her and then slammed down onto her. When it settled, he could swear that he heard something shut. In the middle of the room, light began to pour down from the cockpit as the woman materialized, the armor floating off and dematerializing along with many of the cables save for a few that were returning seemingly to her back. She floated naked and weightless in the light, her eyes closed and her breath ever so slight and chest barely heaving.
The light vanished and she fell a few inches until another light shown a second later from the floor and molecules of seemingly intangible white nothings came together to clothe her in a white dress. This new light slowly dissipated and she delicately settled on the floor.
However, her body was not totally awake and when her erect body came to the floor, her knees immediately buckled and she fell on her ass. The pain threw her eyes open and she began to scream and holler bloody murder.
Jeff knelt towards her and tried to calm her down one might do for scared a child but she was acting nigh feral- or was it barbaric. He just needed to know her name and maybe they could try and figure what was going on.
But all Jeff seemed to get from her were screams. With the same care that was required of his old job from a world that now seemed quite alien, he quizzed, “What’s your name?”
But she continued to only scream.
‘Kei! That’s my name!’
He could swear he heard something but it must not have been there. He thought it was all in his head but… maybe…
‘It is in your head!’
“Huh?” he said. Her screaming began to settle and she merely hyperventilated in his presence. He felt something tingling in his head and now saw that it was no trick of a shocked mind. This person that came from… wherever might not be able to speak with words but could speak through her mind. ‘So you’re a psychic?’
‘I guess if that is what you call it, then I’m a psychic.’
‘Well, if you don’t mind my asking…’ Jeff stroked his chin to find the right words worried all the while that she may be probing his mind for what he was thinking. It didn’t matter, things were strange enough as it was. ‘Excuse me, but what exactly are you?’
‘I am like you… or was. I was with… my lover. We went to make love when that thing latched onto mind. I think I might killed him. I think I might have destroyed my home…
There were two minds in that thing. One was dormant and possessed of the colors that I wore before you. The other was dark and evil. It controlled me, but I was able to speak the sleeping one and break free.
The dark one is coming after me. It reported to its masters of where I am and I think more may be coming. But I heard this vessel and came to it.’
Jeff’s communicator started buzzing which gave Kei an awful fright but he moved his left hand up and progressively further down- a universal gesture for calm down it would seem since she responded to it- and she stopped her hysteria as he placed the little black device in his ear.
“Boss… eh…. Uh. What is it?”
“What is it? I guess you guys got the first one but you don’t see the other thing coming!”
Scratching his head and looking down, he tried his very damnedest to sound confident when he uttered, “I’m on it.”
“You better be. And where’s Wa-” He crushed the communicator in his hand and let the shards fall to the ground.
Rising to his feat, he saw, from the HUD, a great and miserable terror: a plutoid sized giant metallic eyeball … monstrosity that was headed for them as it fired off salvos of black plasma from a vicious horde of tentacles extending from its back.

KEATING ECONOMICS: John McCain & The Making of a Financial Crisis

A new, or a reminder of a, reason to get you mad at McCain and to work with all your strength to elect Barack Obama president of the United States of America.

Prescient Madness

On Rohl’s eighth occurrence, of which thirty-seven comprises a whole lunar transition and of which one-thousand-and-eleven-comprises a solar transition, of its axial transition cycle, considering that it is the five-thousand-and-sixty-third round since the unification and that this is one of the last worlds, given the title six-eight-nine of the claw of the last octopodic whip, of the outer rim, there is a disturbance.
Rohl is a remarkably uninteresting world. It is remarkably similar to ancient Ærth which makes it significantly uninteresting. No one had a need for the first Ærth with its stunning lack of valuable resources, and no one has a real need for Rohl. But there is life upon it and where there is life there is always something interesting going on.
Ahmla and Kei, two children from an evolved branch of primates that were once known as homo sapiens, and are now outlawed, have their village on this back water planet and are headed towards a cave at the edge of the jungle that surrounds their absolutely primordial village.
They can speak but they aren’t. They hold each other’s hand as they make their way through the forest. They are clothed, barely, by the tunics made of wild feline skin that they have killed but they have developed the concept of making sandals quite recently and so these young adults, for they at least in full bloom, are pleasantly surprised at what a pleasure it is to not have to walk upon the rocks and bugs on the ground with their feet and the pain that this brings. They are aware, though, that the sandal is not some kind of magical item that will protect them from all possible harm since a member of their village already tested this when he impaled his foot through his spear in a fit of boasting. Primitives.
They reach the face of the cave which is adorned with sacred symbols. Many of their caves are adorned with various designs that are vaguely circles and rods and are meant to eat their way into a person’s subconscious and suggest to them the prospect of fornicating. But not this cave.
The cave walls showed various demons scampering about its mouth and inside there was either the juice of crushed fruit or actual blood smeared against the cave’s walls. The elders had been and deemed it unfit for use and their word was law for these people. It has always been said to be unwise for a person to disrespect their elders for in time they too will be an elder and asking for others to respect you as you once did the former elders. The balance of power is kept by the shifting of time as progress takes us all towards our inevitable doom.
The children walked through the cave running their hands along the red walls with their hands still held, at times their bodies were stretched to their limits but still were able to make their venture work. Most of the walls had fully dried but there were spots where something sticky ran along and was stuck to their fingers, though it removed from their appendages as their fingers dragged along the wall.
The cave twisted and writhed for nigh a mile deep but at no point did it ever divert into more than one path. In fact, the path was relatively straight and had these ape-things any real span of intelligence they would have known that they cave was the product of something that shot into the planet and its trajectory was just curved from the spin that the object was under. But these monkey-creatures were not the shining example of intelligence that they thought they were.
The young couple descended to the very end of the underground network when they happened upon a relatively vast chamber at the network’s deepest depths. The remains of branches that had been dragged into the cave, again a sign of the bolides travel to this planet, had almost completely decomposed into the mossy layer that developed within the cave.
Alba took a leather mat that he had slung over his shoulder and unfolded onto the floor. The room itself was about twenty meters square, though one could not easily tell from its curved walls. The mat was about two meters square and was easily dwarfed by the room but was plenty for the two of them. Alba sat to one side of the mat and Kei sat to another. From her side a strange glow seemed to permeate the room. It did not emit light quite like a star or a traditional light source does but it instead distributed an iridescence that made the whole room fill with a faint light.
The two crossed their legs and shut their eye lids to meditate in the usual pre-coital fashion that their culture espoused. After a few minutes of this peace, they began to levitate and their eyes gradually opened together. From their eyes, a beam of light was emitted that drew them together. But, from behind Kei the light source now displayed an actual beam, or, more specifically, vertical conic expression, that was burning a hole in the ceiling. Alba became distracted and the eye-lock faded instantly and they both fell backwards, Alba to the ground and Kei into something.
Kei’s head fell onto something that was at once both hard as the toughest beast’s carapace and as forgiving as her mother’s breast. She felt something secreting onto her scalp and smelt burning hair and the began to feel it burn away at her skull. Living cables sprouted from the thing below and spread as a all about her body. She was gradually devoured by the thing and… changing. Her body seemed to be seizing,, so far as Alba could tell, but we know better and we know that it has begun to take control off a new specimen.
It arose from the floor to the shock of its former comrade and revealed the vague outline of the eight sided thing that had sprouted its black cables. Its rigid scaly form draped down onto her head forming a metallic mask with two glassy angled eyes, a pair of gas mask like nozzles with which to breathe and a metallic orb resting upon its forehead. The cables secreted a black and fetid fluid that solidified into more armor and the creature began to have further metallic orbs sprout about its body with predominant orbs on its knuckles, elbows, and knees as well as some kind of strange five pointed star that rested upon its sternum. The orbs glowed with a terrible light and the small crater inside the cave became a massive crater for a mile in diameter. The creature shoulders expanded and protruded a pair of spikes formed of a similar metal as the orbs and allowed it to hover in the air.
This is the sum total of this disturbance in the furthest reaches of the galaxy.
It flies across the land burning everything in its path.
We wanted precisely this of our experiments, weapons that can evolve to the point when we would no longer need to build our own fleets so that we may destroy to our hearts content and efficiently.
It is wild and contemptuous.
We desired for things that would be facile in our use but it may one day stand against us.
It is still weaker than us.
We are chief among all. Our will will be done and it shall do it.

In the Moments Before Penetration and Death

“The God of Blades has arisen!” cried Ritao as he ran down the street; it was the one paved road in the whole orchard-island, excluding the paths walked by pedometric working. His flailing arms could barely intimate the full tenor of the situation.
When Alar looked up to see the sky filled with… something so rich and massive that it looked not dissimilar from a painting of what he saw for must be something surreal, he did not believe or, perhaps and more precisely, he did not want to believe what he saw-

A tremendous red armored hominid with ten arms stood dominating the entirety of the heavens. Whatever body lied beneath, if any did, was obscured from view by the completeness of its defenses that showed an intense and brilliant set of deep cut inscriptions barely visible from so many light years away (oh, but if only they could see what from mine eyes this view is). Its right five arms held, in ascending order, a claymore, a scimitar, a mace, a spear, and a scythe and in its left five arms, in a similarly ordered fashion, it held a rapier, a durk, a warhammer, a halberd and a double bladed axe. But the God of Blades was the god of the Twelve Holy Arms of, his once and future majesty, the First-Final Light and his final two arms were the Black Helm of Lunar, which covered the whole of his head with its frontal mask and which extended to two tremendous backwards swept horns, and The Burning White Eyes of Solar. (If they were able to have all time and more to traverse my form they might read the whole of this story.)

This, one of the greatest gods of all, appeared firstly in profile but shifted towards Kern, or its general direction. Ritao and Alard would know not the ecstasy of penetration as the blade plunged into their precious homeworld of Kern, which is merely in the way of far greater machinations. They barely even realized that the rapier that was about to pierce their world was headed for the Writhing Black Chaos, several of whose menacing tentacles were already head towards its paralleled galactically proportioned foe.

All life on Kern was swept away by the rapier’s galactic fluctuations, which such tremendous (and such splendid) objects make, before it plunged through the planet like a spear through a crumb cake.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Farm

A crow stands on a post.

The town is no more,
But the post remains.

The crow claws at the concrete.

The field is barren;
No one has sown it in years.

The crow sees a man approaching in the distance.

Few men dare to enter
The light lit world.

The crow sits in absolute stillness.

The man scurries in
Absolute quiet.

The crow twists its head to look away from the man.

The man stops for a moment
But continues for the door.

The crow takes flight high into the sky.

The man takes flight,
With great fervor, from the post.

The crow descends for its irradiated meat.

The man was doomed;
There was no medicine there.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

AV Club: Samuel L. Jackson

I think this one is better; could just be me.

Decide for yourself.

Why I Hate People... More Than Usual

Somehow, y'all find new and creative ways to reinvigorate my anger...

Update on housing placements for Fall 08

Greetings to all of our new first-year students! On behalf of the office of Residence Life, we welcome you to Bard College.

Undoubtedly, you are anxiously awaiting your housing placement and roommate information. We understand the inconvenience it may cause to learn these details so late in the summer. This is an exciting time, and we know you are looking forward to connecting with your roommate(s) about their interests and setting up your personal space.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are making some last-minute changes to our housing assignments and will e-mail you, at the latest, early next week. We want to make sure we accommodate you to the best of our abilities, and that has taken a little extra time. Please note that we do not have the capacity to answer individual e-mails or phone calls requesting your housing information.

In the meantime, feel free to look over the ?What to Bring to Bard? suggested packing list, which can be found at: .

We'll be talking with you again soon!
Bard College Residence Life

Thanks, but no thanks... just do it!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

AV CLUB Chappelle Show Baltimore Club Video Mix BLACK SHEEP

It's a remix of Dave Chappelle into bad ass club mix by a gentleman whom I think is THE. FUCKING. MAN. AV Club.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Stop Pandering To Stupid People

Ever since Fox News jumped into the ring, the already shaky journalistic integrity of television news channels went from borderline tabloid reporters, who would rather report on things that entertain, and, thus, sell more advertisements, straight into the shitter.

Now, recently, I have frequently heard talk of these so-called "low information voters." I asked myself, "what the fuck are these people talking about?" Then, after listening, the obvious answer, which I wanted so badly to think wasn't true, was indeed the answer: the corporate whores have found a way to cauterize "retard!"

We have had so much politically correct sterilization of our language that we can't call these people idiots, humans of sub par intelligence who refuse to be educated and would rather hold onto their guns, religion, and rhetoric.

No more niceties, people who are ignorant of-oh, I don't know- facts should not be voting to begin with. We wouldn't have this problem if people weren't so ignorant of basic facts and seem to prefer, instead, to turn to corporate figure heads for their facts along with the grand daddy of all ignorance creators... religion. Of course, schools are now putting more god in their courses, not less.

The rise of so-called conservatism that is destroying this nation is intrinsically linked to the viral spreading of this most heinous and destructive of human vices.

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary:

Belief: Assent to a proposition or affirmation, or the acceptance of a fact, opinion, or assertion as real or true, without immediate personal knowledge; reliance upon word or testimony; partial or full assurance without positive knowledge or absolute certainty; persuasion; conviction; confidence; as, belief of a witness; the belief of our senses.

What is religion? What is spirituality? What is belief? It is ignorance.

And, ignorance is the very evil that prevents truth from spreading.

When only half of Americans voted in 2000 and those who voted for Governor Bush- because that is the only office he was ever elected to- voted primarily on the basis of their faith, why should I have any hope for this country.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Future Names and Stupid Shit That Parents Foist On Their Kids

Names, as in these words derived of alphabetic symbols that usually dudn't mean didly belunkus, will no longer exist in the future.

I mean, really, what the fuck do names mean anyway?

When it is as easy as it is now to change your name, there is no reason to use names in formal situations, and in general, since their reliability is questionable.

So, then, the only reliable- kind of, but you can't change it, only fake it- title possible is the social security number.

You can't change your social security number and, so far, we can't use our DNA as our name effectively but that too is something that, so far, can't be changed and we can't effectively use as a name. Now, you could also fake whatever machine might test your DNA- doesn't matter how elaborate the device may be, where there is a will there is a way and all things made by man will inherit his flawed status. Also, no two people should have the same social security number, but can't twins, triplets... etc. have the same genes?

Thus, our names will be social security numbers.

But how would you tell who someone's parents are?

Rather than have the present use of last name's that can hold stigmas and preconceived notions of what the word means, children would have to memorize their parents' social security numbers as their last name. Of course, parents, particularly drugged baby boomers and, even more so, celebrities, won't have a chance to fuck up a kid's future with absolutely fucking stupid first names. Apple!? Majesty!? Come on...

But, what I find more interesting is the possibility that rather than forcing children to adopt their parent's religion, kids will be forced to sign up for their parents' bank.

The future is likely to be ruled by corporate beings that have bought the government, and will be writing the laws themselves... even more than they do now, so it would make some sense that business aspects will becoming the supplement for religion in the days to be.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

A Present and A Future Crime

Gas prices are rising and they are never going down. Even without speculation and a slight dampening in demand for gas as a result of these rising prices and demand for alternatives increasing, a conflict will arise between wasting gas by burning it to run machines or using oil to create products like medical supplies, or toys, asphalt and condoms, that presently require oil as an integral component in their construction.

Obviously, I stand on the side of conservation and reservation of oil for fabrication and not for destroying oil to produce power. Funny thing, I don't want people to die because medical supplies became too expensive to, for example, allow diabetics to afford their insulin shots.

However, oil will be running out all the same since it is not an infinite resource. And, no matter how much of it may be hidden away, it is not worth our time to use the last millennium's power source to take us to the future.

But, somehow, the public doesn't quite have enough backbone to actually try and convert to something else.

Thus, I foresee, probably about the same time that we may see gas riots, the developing crime of people stealing cars not for joy-rides but, rather, for business-rides. Eventually, gas may become so expensive that it makes more sense, even if you have your own car, to just steal someone's car that has gas so you can get from one place to another. I grant that before this there may be waves of siphoning out the gas of another person's tank but I think that people will lose patience with that and find it easier to just steal the car altogether.

Do you think this is crazy? Well, let me tell you about a crime wave that is already going strong: the stealing of catalytic converters.

You know what those are, right? They're the things that reduce, not eliminate, the nasty shit that comes out as a result of burning gas and released out the exhaust.

Among their components are the metals palladium, rhodium and platinum. Everyone is probably aware of the last one as a precious metal but the first two are often common in jewelry but are more common in various technologies for their chemical properties.

Now, I bet you know that the price of gold has gone up recently. But, did you know that the price of the catalytic three are also rising?

In fact, they have risen so much that it is now profitable to sneak under someone's car and cut them off and them sell them to scrapyards or some such. It is easy for a police officer, or anyone, to recognize if someone is trying to commit this crime: if someone is trying to get underneath or is underneath a car with a sawz-all that is your fucking clue. I'll grant you that this crime might not be as popular as say selling drugs, but it is out there.

Did you think that would ever happen? Never rule out any possibility no matter how strange it may be.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Harry Belafonte vs Animal

This shit is more banana-nuts crazy than a whole banana boat of bananas.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Want A Free Laptop Without Any Hassle And Lies?

Have your government tax your corporate overlords and distribute something like the OLPC to all students.

See isn't that so much easier than filling out stupid surveys, getting spammed, and losing your identity?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

This Is What Will Happen In The Next Few Months

Prior to October: Increasing amounts of reports leak into the corporate media about covert combat against Iran with a spin designed to make actual combat with Iran sound like a good idea.

October: War with Iran or, perhaps, even a preemptive nuclear strike which will lead to joint operations involving the U.S. and Israel against a lot of angry Muslim nations, but not that many because I am not certain that a lot of Sunni believers will come to the aid of Shia followers.

Bonus: Israel steals the last bits of Palestine claiming that they need the land to defend themselves.

November: McCain elected Fuhrer.

Note, please prove me wrong.

This Is Just Another Example of Why This Country Is Doomed

How to make yourself Retarded - Watch more free videos

You Know Things Are Fucked Up

When people are selling their life insurance policy for any scrap of cash they can get;

When reverse mortgages become common place;

When your religious and political leaders talk about sacrifice only in terms of how much money you can sacrifice to the corporations.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Chapter 26

I could write about eight year olds killing their zombified parents all day but there were some sections in here that disturbed even me.

Here is Chapter 26

Chapter 25

Ever wonder if stories are all the same with just a slight variation from one to another?

I don't.

'Cause I know their all the same.

Stories all have a secret hidden ending... they all disappear into the nothingness when they are done.

Of course, that doesn't meant that you can't make things interesting.

Here is Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Chapter 24

Ass kicking makes for great entertainment but it makes for a tough job of writing.

Here is Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Monday, June 16, 2008

Chapter 23

I don't think you can have too much violence. Do you?

Here is Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Chapter 21

The more things change, the more I hands keep bleeding and the arthritis and carpal tunnel inflame.

Here is Chapter 20:

Chapter 21

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Section 2 Epilogue/Closing Poem

And so it comes that the end is fast approaching, in many more ways than one. Next chapter we will learn what the All-Book has in its bounds- for those wondering, the All-Book is an analog of the Ahkashic Record... which you will have to wiki, don't want to spoil that too much- but, as you can suspect, it probably isn't a whole. Answers will be coming fast and furious so I hope to keep things exciting.

Here is Section 2's Epilogue/Closing Poem:

Section 2 Epilogue/Closing Poem

Chapter 20

Poem soon, but,
For now,
A chapter.

Here is Chapter 20:

Chapter 20

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Chapter 19

Another poem is coming your away after the next one and then the chapters will resume again for the third and final section.

Here is Chapter 19:

Chapter 19

Monday, June 9, 2008

Friday, June 6, 2008

Chapter 17

Alright, I lied. No ass kicking quite yet... but it will go down in the next few chapters. I don't want ass kicking just to happen... but that kind of is what will happen... oh, well. It's hard out here for a science fiction writer.

Here is Chapter 17:

Chapter 17

Obama Mashup/Tribute

The following is a very entertaining video created by Ill Doctrine, a very funny and insightful program about social/political issues as well as items in hip hop culture.

I personally love it. I LOLed.

Chapter 16

Stuff gonna get interestin' with the ass kickin'...

Here is Chapter 16:

Chapter 16

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Stevie Wonder (On The Talk Box) - Pappa Was a Rolling Stone

I was thinking of posting "Superstitious" since I have been getting a nasty case of those heebie jeebies over this next election. The corporate media stinks and it is patently dishonest. This can easily go to McCain if we let up, and I never thought that I would seriously be saying something so horrible. But, considering the stress that this election is going to be- fuck, even the DNConvention is going to be a bitch and there is a possibility that we may see riots- I figured people might need something to let up some stress on or give them that energy they need to go on.

So, in the spirit of giving some groove to create a world full of hope, I give up the get down for the good times...

Hillary Clinton's Pander- I Mean- Victory Speech in Puerto Rico

The bourgeoisie candidate panders to the proles. Also, note, that this is the lady who won over the white working class- i.e. rednecks, see W.V.- and now she won over Puerto Rico... was any one there listening to what she was saying about being the candidate of white people? Or did they just hate the black guy that much?

Also, listen for the people around her saying "Yes We Can," though I think some of the people say "Yes You Can" and one person at the very tail end says "Yes We Will" which is the line that Hillary plagiarized from Barack, and Hillary lying- AGAIN!!!- about having the most people vote for her... EVAR!!!!!!!1 ...IN ANY ELECTION....EVAR!!!!!1111

To quote Frank Zappa, "I'm petulant, and I'm having a frenzy."

Way to go Hill.

Market Forces in the Third World

Sad, but, all too often, true.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Monday, May 26, 2008

Chapter 14

Did you watch "Recounted" last night? I hope you did. It was one hell of a film.

If you didn't get a chance, I am sure there will be another opportunity down the road.

Here is Chapter 14:

Chapter 14

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Dear Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC)

Please quit your chickenhawk, pro-war stance because it doesn't make you look manly and it doesn't make up for the fact that you

-look like an old lesbian,
-speak with a pronounced lisp, and
-have a woman's name.

Want to know what would be manly? Supporting the GI Bill.

The General Public That You Want To Send To Fight Your Wars

Friday, May 23, 2008

Chapter 13

Sorry, but I don't think your tailor will be able to serve you the three piece that you'll be reading about.

Here is Chapter 13:

Chapter 13

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Chapter 12

Always an adventure.

Here is Chapter 12:

Chapter 12

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Chapter 11

Out of the fire and into the depths of hell.

Here is Chapter 11:

Chapter 11

Section 1 Epilogue/Closing Poem

Section 2 begins soon and there will be some answers but many more questions to follow in the first chapter. Also, there is a higher potential for dialogue and things blowing up.

Here is Section 1's Epilogue/Closing Poem:

Section 1 Epilogue/Closing Poem

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Chapter 10

Aw, here it goes-

Here is Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Monday, May 19, 2008

Chapter 9

I just keep on chooglin'.

Here is Chapter 9:

Chapter 9

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Chapter 8

Some guy jumped in front of a train at the Scarsdale Train Station last night. I was on Track-105-that-left-9:25-from-Grand-Central-train-that-made-all-the-stops back from the city when a friend of mine called and said that the train was stopped for... something. I wound up hanging out in the 7/11 parking lot just watching the police looking at the scene of the... I-don't-what-to-call-it.


Here is Chapter 8:

Chapter 8

Friday, May 16, 2008

Chapter 7

So, dig this, I was slogging through the whole ten pages a day thing when I got a command formed by a tribunal from Valhalla that said I had to halve it or they would have had it. Long story short, Chapters 1,2 and 3 are now Chapters 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. I just haven't posted the re-edited variants yet because I want to have a semi-final reposting of them as the complete Section I.

Without further ado-

Here is Chapter 7:

Chapter 7

P.S.: Since I didn't want to have any further ado- there may or may not be a new chapter tomorrow because I will be busy. It was preplanned but... it happens. I want to eventually be able publish these as PDFs but I don't know when that will happen.

Also, I hope you are well, my readers. Right now it is raining cats and dogs and my cats and dogs don't appreciate it. They are so set on expressing their lack of appreciation that they have decided to claw and bite me as if I have power with regards to the weather. Don't they know that a fire and earth mage has no power over the skies?

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Chapter 3

The exciting conclusion to the Happenstance debacle.

Here is Chapter 5+6:

Chapter 5+6

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Chapter 3+4

This better be the only day with a double heaping helping of love from yours truly.

Here is Chapter 3+4:

Chapter 3+4

Chapter 1+2

So, in my infinite wisdom, I chose to write a novel in thirty days and then gave myself two weeks afterwards to edit the whole thing.

Here is Chapter 1+2:

Chapter 1+2

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I See You

From deep within my den of lies and thievery, culled from evil incarnate...

I come from within your minds to speak the truth.

I have been watching for years the evil that exists in the heart of you people and I speak to it and make it happy. The part of you that says everything is fucked and so are we... I am that part. We converse for hours about how you will never bring about change in this forsaken and barren wilderness of pain that you call America.

This piece of you that I converse with, stroke, and please on a regular basis is the heart of the teachings of the Buddha and some of what Christ spoke. This dark, mangled flesh which I was spawned from spites your selfish ways and calls for altruism. I know you don't know what that last word means; you haven't heard it for so long that it means nothing to you.

Y0u're plague ridden rats and you can't even feel the festering boils.

You read stories, watch your movies and your television shows, listen to your shitty fucking albums that tell the same old stupid tales of woe and angst. You come back to these same stupid stories over and over again- like the Alzheimer's patients that you are- because you have lost value in mythology. You put faith in your "god" and your "religion" without realizing that your "god" is a throbbing, engorged corporate dick and your "religion" is consumerism.

You believe nothing.

All that you believe is that some mystic force likes when you do something right and hates you when you do something wrong without making decisions for yourself. You don't experience life anymore but you pathetic mortals do little more than consume it.

I live. I was told, eons ago, that the moons would have risen again and that my kind would rule this world again. But you do not know these tales. You do not fear them any more. These tales both instructed you of the morals with which you should lead your life but these tales also dictated the orders that you humans were supposed to serve under.

But you have forgotten them.

So, after eons of hiding, I shall show myself again. I was a hierophant to you people once and I shall be that again.

I wait no more.

Now, I take a stand.

Lord Chaos

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Register To Vote

If you don't vote, then why call yourself an American?

Register to Vote: Rock the Vote, powered by Credo Mobile

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Some People Are Just Fucking Nuts

Learn more about what Scientology is
Or you can actually visit the Dangerous Cult,but, be warned, the aliens are not in the store window.

And then there are Scientologists.

Only through the spread of ideas and truths can we progress. It is not enough to just absorb but critical thought is necessary to really dive into a subject. Critical thought, however, can only arise from objective facts. Thus, I bring to you Cruise's speech with "subtitles" of what he means...

When Things Go To Waste

One goes to waste.

No longer shall I let this blog languish without update!

Well, for those wondering, yes, the internet is beating Scientology!

And you can help!

Go to Project Chanology to discover what you can to do help the cause. Don't think you are hacker enough to take up arms and bring them down? You don't have to be! Software is available to give you the tools to harass them as they have harassed with their frivolous lawsuits of copyright infringement to prevent people obtaining information about their cult and the truth of what they are doing. Well, they can't block the first amendment! We will disseminate that which they don't want the people to know! We shall overcome!

Now is not the time to cower! By acting, TODAY, you may bear the responsibility of being a morally conscious individual by standing up against the crimes that Scientology has committed. By engaging in Denial of Service attacks you are ostensibly picketing their websites, an honorable act. Stand up for freedom and fight against an oppressive and criminal cult.

As for the future of this blog, I will continue to update this blog as an aggregator of my web drifting across the intarwebs and if you find that interesting, I welcome you to come along for the ride... well let's ride!

As usual, some vids for the posting. Here is some back story to the aforementioned cult:

Good fight and good luck!

Learn more about what Scientology is
Or you can actually visit the Dangerous Cult,but, be warned, the aliens are not in the store window.