Without further ado-
Here is Chapter 7:
Chapter 7
P.S.: Since I didn't want to have any further ado- there may or may not be a new chapter tomorrow because I will be busy. It was preplanned but... it happens. I want to eventually be able publish these as PDFs but I don't know when that will happen.
Also, I hope you are well, my readers. Right now it is raining cats and dogs and my cats and dogs don't appreciate it. They are so set on expressing their lack of appreciation that they have decided to claw and bite me as if I have power with regards to the weather. Don't they know that a fire and earth mage has no power over the skies?
1 comment:
It ‘s good to have you back. The envelope with the mysterious numbers is a neat idea though I think there should be more conversation going on here as to what the numbers are all about. This would be a nice chapter—or part of a chapter—on how they go about figuring out what these numbers might mean. I know you are not writing “The Davinci Code” but this device should be given its fair share of your attention at this point in your novel. It can also give you some time and opportunity to provide more background on these central characters in the story or some of the peripheral ones, their relationships, etc…; if and when you return to them, your reader will have that “aha” moment and say “oh yeah, that guys who figured out the envelope” and be able to move forward without trying to retrace his or her own thoughts.
Additionally, Andi and Jack finally arrive and they meet up with the rest of the gang and yet no real banter between them. While, yes, they are pretty stones—my guess—nevertheless, we are dealing with young people here who seem never to be lost for words, yet, this whole thing happens without much conversation. It seems a bit too fast, but, again, I am not sure what follows so this could all be set up for something more important. That being said, as a reader, the most important thing to me is what is going on now at this moment and does it resonate with what I know so far in this novel. If these are teenagers—correct me if I am wrong but I believe they are—then let’s have some teenage interaction that will only serve to contrast your unique world with the more familiar rhythms of teenage angst, energy/apathy, and overall confusion/delusion with this world. Other than some typos—check them out, I look forward to the couple’s next stop on their ride.
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