Tuesday, January 22, 2008

When Things Go To Waste

One goes to waste.

No longer shall I let this blog languish without update!

Well, for those wondering, yes, the internet is beating Scientology!

And you can help!

Go to Project Chanology to discover what you can to do help the cause. Don't think you are hacker enough to take up arms and bring them down? You don't have to be! Software is available to give you the tools to harass them as they have harassed with their frivolous lawsuits of copyright infringement to prevent people obtaining information about their cult and the truth of what they are doing. Well, they can't block the first amendment! We will disseminate that which they don't want the people to know! We shall overcome!

Now is not the time to cower! By acting, TODAY, you may bear the responsibility of being a morally conscious individual by standing up against the crimes that Scientology has committed. By engaging in Denial of Service attacks you are ostensibly picketing their websites, an honorable act. Stand up for freedom and fight against an oppressive and criminal cult.

As for the future of this blog, I will continue to update this blog as an aggregator of my web drifting across the intarwebs and if you find that interesting, I welcome you to come along for the ride... well let's ride!

As usual, some vids for the posting. Here is some back story to the aforementioned cult:

Good fight and good luck!

Learn more about what Scientology is
Or you can actually visit the Dangerous Cult,but, be warned, the aliens are not in the store window.

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