Saturday, April 28, 2007

Joe Walsh - Rocky Mountain Way

This is the song that the talk box was made for.* Another classic song from a time that should have never left us. This is what a long song should be. Now I am a fan of progressive rock- 2112 by Rush, most of the good Yes songs, most of the good ELP songs, long is good- but some groups can't pull off a larger track. Joe Walsh, has, not just once, but, twice- more on that some other time- made a terrific song that is quite long. Joe has a knack for writing catchy tunes and lyrics that you can sing no matter your knowledge of the lyrics and, more so, your sobriety. If you ever wondered what they are playing in Valhalla, besides Led Zeppelin, then you can be sure that Joe Walsh is on the jukebox.

*You don't believe me!?!? I am hurt. Check wikipedia,, if you don't believe me. Or, perhaps, just call Joe.

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