Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ode to Bill O'Reilly by John Cleese - Transcribed by Max Simkins

Just finished transcribing it from his interview on "Countdown with Keith Olbermann," and damn is it fine. You really should download this episode, the 10.31.2008 episode, from the podcast while it is available.

*Note: I titled this "Ode to Bill O'Reilly" based on Cleese's previous "Ode to Sean Hannity." Whether either are really an ode... will who cares!? It's new material by John Cleese! Be glad it exists. Also, the breaking up of the lines was passed upon the pauses that Cleese made while reading it. They are accurate enough that you can get the sense of it. Lastly, if you are wondering what Berk means at the end of the poem, then go here - . The definition John says that he uses is the rhyming slang one, though the second one would work as well.

"Ode to Bill O'Reilly"
By John Cleese

Bill O'Reilly is no spin zone,
As rated highly by his own beloved mother,
But, no other.

Except that Bill,
For all his faults,
Still has one skill,
A skill of sorts.
He can still amuse a true dumb ox,
The dullest crayon in the box,
The kind of ox that watches Fox.

And Bill will pander to this group with propaganda,
Right wing poop,
And knee jerk views,
And censored news.

Thus, Bill O'Reilly earns his crust,
Behaving vilely as he must.
He will not sherk from Rupert's work;
He really is a perfect Berk.